The Luna Rossa Online Event opened up a dialogue on feminine health and wisdom themes included in Luna Rossa publication – a feminine workbook & self dated moon & menstrual cycles agenda that unearths through art the greatest old civilization of the Goddess

Access all dialogues and resources at your own pace below.

We also opened up for live events + extra conversation the  Facebook group Luna Rossa Sisterhood

There is no international without many flavours of local. Your perspective and experience matter. 

We are opening up for connections to local women’s circles, communities and red tents that could use Luna Rossa Agenda as a resource to embody feminine wisdom.

Looking for 30 educators, circle facilitators that will see the immediate value of the Luna Rossa offering for individual and group practice. Their reaching to at least 10 women in their community will take us close to our minimum printing goal.

Will you be one sister linking up with us? Please write to:  ina AT

All throughout this event, Luna Rossa Moon & Menstrual Cycles Agenda is weaved in

 by Ina Curic, Event Host and Luna Rossa Coordinator. 

Our reason for gathering online to share an amazing cultural heritage from our land to your heart.

A pretext for creating a context for sisters to practice coming together into the body, into sisterhood.

A gift to give ourselves and women in our life to honout our connection with the Earth.

 A cultural agent of change to become by embracing our wild power and sacred blood. 

Monday, sept 18

A positive mentrual culture

Red tents and peace spaces

Jane Bennett DeAnna L’am.

Tuesday, Sept 19

Indigenous Knowledge to Reclaim Menstruation as Sacred

Laura Maria Yara, Andra Visan

Wed, Sept 20

Feminine Soul Awakening with Kali 

Aarya Sufiana

Live workshop @ 17 hrs CEST 

 (convert to your time zone HERE)


Sept 21, Intl Day of Peace

Intentionally, Wildly Creative about Peace

Shiloh Sophia Live workshop@ 18 hours CEST

Embodying the sacred, a recorded somatic practice from Liana Buzea

Friday, Sept 22

Menstrual as spiritual practice

Jane Hardwicke Collings

Sisterhood: art & practice. Kenlyn Kolleen

Live@19hrs CEST


Extra Live Session on the Equinox Day Sept 23rd

live, open mic evening, at 19 hours CEST Central European Summer Time 

 Legends, stories & archetypes of the buried Goddess in every woman 
Bring your contributions in story, song, poetry, sharing at the end of Luna Rossa dialogue week.
Welcome! Short intro to the dialogue week 
from Ina Curic, Event Host and Luna Rossa Coordinator
Feminine Embodiment of Peace: 
The  Vision Behind Luna Rossa & the Link to Peace – inside and out 
The Peace that calls for more for us and the why behind Luna Rossa
Get to know Ina Curic a bit, in her passion for peace form.

And yes, passion is from the pain she feels and continually transforms, the collective pain body all women feel when menstruating, actually. Speaking as an realist with a heart, instead of idealist as proponents of peace are called.

Sharing the why of this project and the vision behind, plus our experience with our women’s community growing in Romania a sisterhood spirit around menstrual cycle awareness and our opportunity to co-create the most beautiful world out there. 

Making links to our own wars inside and the bigger vision of peace, the reason for coming out with Luna Rossa as a gift to an international audience.

If 1000 of us embodied more peace within, with our bodies, more feminine wisdom attuned to nature’s cycles, how would the world look like?

How can we collectively support each each to transform pain into power?

Monday, September 18
A Positive Menstrual Culture. What does it have to do with Peace?

Opening up the dialogue with DeAnna L’am linking women’s shedding of blood to create life as opposed to men’s shedding of blood in battlefields. Red tents as peace spaces we can grow. Exploring the links with peace and a vision that is possible through our co-creation and participation

Continuing with Jane Bennett from The Chalice Foundation on creating a positive menstrual culture that involves mothers, daugthers, fathers.  

Jane Bennett is a menstrual educator and the author of numerous books and resources in this field. A Blessing Not a Curse and Girltopia: A World of Real Conversations for Real Girls, and the co-author of About Bloody Time: The Menstrual Revolution We Have to HaveThe Pill: Are You Sure It’s For You?The Rite Journey Program and Guidebooks and Woman Wise Conversation Cards.

DeAnna L’am is founder Red Moon – School of Empowerment for Women & Girls’ in 1994, and of Red Tents in Every Neighbourhood.  

DeAnna L’am has been teaching nationally and internationally, empowering women to reclaim menstruation as source of inner guidance and spiritual renewal since 1994; Coaching Moms in the art of welcoming girls into empowered womanhood, and training women to hold Red Tents in their communities.

Jane Bennett 

 Menstrual Educator and Author

With a background in social work, clinical hypnotherapy and Natural Fertility Management. She is the creator of Celebration Day for Girls, and Fathers

Celebrating Daughters. She also founded the Chalice Foundation to promote menstrual wellbeing, education and positive menstrual

Please share in the Luna Rossa Sisterhood Facebook Group your reflections and take-ons from the day and the two dialogues included.

How is menstrution viewed in your culture/ country? 

How do women’s circles look like in your context?

What kind of support do you need to embody your red wild power more?

Tuesday, Sept 19th  
Indigenous Knowledge to Reclaim the Sacred Power of Menstruation

With Laura Maria Yara, sharing for the first time in English about the teaching of sacred menstruation and planting the Moon / offering our blood to the Earth the Andean Grandmothers, Tribo da Lua, Colombia.

With Andra Vișan talking about the Red Moon Archetype in the Mayan Calendar and how we can connect to the the essential qualities of the Feminine through this archetype.

Our Sacred Blood & Return to Mother Earth: Teachings from the Tradition of Andes Ancestral Grandmothers from Tribo Da Luo

Laura Maria Yara, an awakened woman in the service of the Divine Mother and the re-anchoring of the sacred feminine in the female body. She is a mother, a storyteller, a traveler in the unseen worlds, a midwife of transformation and an oracle of the Womb. Trained in Womb Awakening and Biomancy with Seren and Azra Bertrand, in Aura Reading and Memoria Ancestral da Tribo da Lua in Brazil, connected with shamanic practices and the sacred medicine of the Queen of the Forest, Laura has been working as a Holistic Therapist for over 12 years, through reading auras, healing the inner child, awakening the womb and conscious menstruation.

Red Moon/ Luna Rossa in other Indigenous Knowledge Systems

Red Mooon is one of the 20 archetypes in the Mayan Calendar, illustrating the qualities of the feminine energy. Just contemplating this symbol can support our connection to the feminine energy.

This is a photo of a pendant with the Red Moon symbol that Andra Vișan is crafting herself to be worn as necklace and reminder of the gift of this archetype. She does Mayan Galactic Signature Decoding, a gift to access her knowledge and receive keys for oneself. 

Red Moon Archetype: Wisdom from the Mayan Calendar

Andra Vișan has been working for 6 years with the codes of the Dreamspell Calendar, an organic calendar aligned to the lunar and galactic cycles, based on the wisdom of the Mayan Calendar. She helps people expand their perception of time, returning to the cycles of nature and understanding themselves better through the lens of the twenty archetypes of the Mayan calendar. 

Andra is one of the contributors to Luna Rossa Romanian edition. In this session she is introducing the Red Moon as an archetype in the Mayan calendar that connecyts us to the qualities of the feminine. She exemplifies practical ways in which we can connect to this archetype with ease in our daily lives.

One CAN be aligned with this calendar & the amazing meaning behind without knowing anything about it.

 Check out also Andra’s Short Red Moon sharing here –  half way through the year governed by the Red Moon Archetype as main energy, which ended in July 26th 2023. Luna Rossa, the Romanian edition, came together precisely in the year governed by this energy. And we still have Red Moon in the calendar by rotation.

Are you  present in our private Red Party Community Space for these dialogues?

Please share in the Luna Rossa Sisterhood Facebook Group your reflections and take-ons from the day and the two dialogues included.

What is your relationship to your blood?

Are you open to befriend it and take it out of the garbage to offer it to the Earth? 

What kind of menstrual products do you use?

Wednesday, September 20th  Feminine Soul Awakening,17 hrs CEST
 Live on Luna Rossa Sisterhood group here

With Aarya Sufiana, India/ US

With so much cultural appropriation happening in many contexts, having an Indian rooted practicioner sharing about Kali is a treat, a rare opportunity and a gift. This will be a 2 hour practical workshop. Check out how good it sounds below! 

Sufiana suggested a LIVE session because these are always more powerful. We will mainstream it in our FB Luna  Rossa Sisterhood group on Wednesday and later add it here too. Please join the group and share your gift of presence.

Awaken the Kali Within
A Journey into the Heart of Darkness, to find the Soul of Light…

Beloved Maa Kali,Embodiment of Fierce rage and deeper Truth!
Allow me to become a prayer at thine feet, take me to the shadowlands,
surrendering the demons of unhealthy habits, toxic relationships and self-sabotaging past patterns, that have covered up the essence of my deeper soul,
Devour them Maa, so I can dance free,
burn them up Maa, so I can be wholly and completely Me,
Allowing the flowers of infinity to bloom through the cracks of our limitations kissing the feet of eternity…..
As I take a deeper plunge into the rivers of my secret underworld,
May your immense compassion, be the ultimate healing balm to my broken body and soul,
And your Infinite love- the very ground of my Being, the wings that turn me from ashes to a wild Phoenix Rising….
Give me the courage to pierce through the veils of herd mentality,
speak in a voice of my own- with reckless abandon, profound authenticity…
to be of ultimate service, to our amazing Yoniverse,
Dying….. to be re-born, to die…… yet again,
until I become One with everything, the entire Srishti,
Becoming an ocean of Unconditionnal Love,
coming home, coming home to thee,my Beloved Kali…

This is a workshop for women to honor our death-and-rebirth cycles which naturally result in an inner Alchemical Transformation…
We are indeed living in Cathartic times to say the least;
but the age of Kalyug- the Dark times, is also the age of Light…..
when our sacred rage, fierce authenticity, boundless courage and the nakedness of our souls will most be required.
When we do not own and compassionately accept our own shadow, it often becomes a part of the larger toxic forces. A journey into Awakening and living in a Conscious World that we envision is therefore a descent into the underworld- only to rise up again and again with our Divine Soul Treasures, to own our OWN  POWER.

We will be invoking the GODDESS KALI and learning about her throughSacred rituals and movement, Story-telling, Tantric Breathwork and Feminine Spiritual  and embodiment practices.

We will explore the archetypal connections between Goddess Kali and the menstrual cycle. Delve into the symbolism of Kali’s fierce yet nurturing energy and how it mirrors the diverse emotional and physical experiences individuals go through during menstruation. Discuss how embracing these facets can foster a deeper understanding of oneself and promote body positivity.

With Aarya Sufiana Arcana  (India/California)

Aarya is originally from Bombay and has lived in Los Angeles and San Francisco as well. She leads retreats and workshops in India and internationally for Feminine Spirituality focusing on Women’s Empowerment, Feminine Embodiment, and Creative Arts Healing. She holds a Masters degree in Philosophy, has studied Expressive arts therapy in San Francisco, holds a Post-grad Certificate in Women’s studies and is a trained Yoga instructor specializing in Pranayama, Meditation, stress management, trauma healing and chanting, also trained in Reiki and Pranic healing. Her path, she says is the path of Unconditional Love and of REVIVING and being of service to the DIVINE FEMININE thereby restoring the balance between Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies. 

Thursday, 21st of September, International Day of Peace, 18 hrs CEST
 Live on Luna Rossa Sisterhood group here

A creative sessions with Shiloh Sophia from Musea Center for Intentional Creativity. 

Intentional about Peace is what we need on this planet with 32 active armed conflicts in 2023. Session dedicated to the people suffering from war in Ukraine, where Shiloh Sophia’ s parents come from and where she still has family.

Bring a pen, journal, coloured pencil and get ready to be guided through a practical imagination and creation session with a gifted artist, trainer and coach that has trained thousands  of women internationally in her amazing method of intentional creativity.

We will mainstream live on FB Luna  Rossa Sisterhood group on  Thursday and later add it here too. 

Please join the group and share your gift of presence to benefit from this session live.

For more than two decades Shiloh Sophia has nurtured an Intentional Creativity cultural framework rooted in the teachings of a matriarchal art lineage of storytelling and imagery. With her husband Jonathan McCloud they have stewarded Intentional Creativity is an inter-disciplinary practice weaving creative arts, healing arts somatic sciences, transpersonal psychology and archeomythology.

The MUSEA community is a global art movement dedicated to self-expression as a method for consciousness and compassion through the arts. 

Enjoy a somatic practice from Liana Buzea, Holistic Intimacy Coach

The Jade Belt is one of the practices that Liana learned and practiced before working with the Jade Egg. This practice, received from her Daoist teacher, helps women develop a holistic awareness of their womb, vagina (jade gate) and the vital energy that flows through their bodies.


Liana, Holistic Intimacy Coach, has been sharing her embodied erotic knowledge and wisdom with women for almost 8 years. Practices are the main focus and forte of her body of work.

Friday, 22nd of September Menstruation as Spiritual Practice

with Jane Hardwicke Collings, Agent of the Goddess, a retired home birth midwife in Australia and a fabulous Crone sharing amazing gifts in her School of Shamanic Womancraft. 

Jane Hardwicke Collings, Agent of the Goddess, a retired home birth midwife in Australia and a fabulous Crone sharing amazing gifts in her School of Shamanic Womancraft. She travels to give workshops on the wisdom of the cycles and the spiritual practice of menstruation; preparation for menstruation for mothers and daughters; and the sacred and shamanic dimensions of pregnancy, birth, mothering and menopause; and how to reclaim and heal our rites of passage.

She helps women remember the importance of being connected to their body and their menstrual cycle, to banish menstrual shame and co-create a positive menstrual culture, and to reclaim menopause from medicine and help women harness the transformation powers of menopause.  

Saturday, Sept 23 Thresholds between worlds
Extra Live Session to close the week
Sept 23 The Equinox  – a live, open mic evening, at 18 hours Central Eu Time
 Legends, stories & archetypes of the buried Goddess in every woman 
Bring your contributions in story, song, poetry, sharing at the end of Luna Rossa dialogue week.

 Ina Curic is the heart midwife behind Luna Rossa. A gender & peacebuilding specialist that worked internationally since 2004, with an action research Phd in motherhood and a creative commitment to constructive peace from kindergarten to international politics. She authored six children’s books on integral education themes with three international book awards.  

She coordinated four editions of Moon agendas in Romanian since 2019 and is author of Red Thread, an art publication and journal introducing menstrual cycle awareness after menarche.

Luna Rossa pre-order campaign still needs more sisters signing up for it to become real, 
publishable and IN your mail box to start 2023 with it!
Please join, share, find a sister to practice menstrual and moon cycle awareness with!
Introducing Luna Rossa Moon Agenda & Cycles Journal
to Evolving Sisters Network: 
What is is, what it includes, why is it so special?