Once upon a time,
not so far away,
In the center of the old world
(Before corruption
by powers that be )
Despite domination that took central stage

Luna Rossa shares a Goddess secret too good to keep buried.
It brings out through A Moon & Menstrual Cycles Agenda & Art Journal the oldest great civilization of the Goddess in the world, Cucuteni-Tripolye culture (5000 to 3500 BC) + indigenous wisdom about women’s sacred blood and inspiration to align to nature’s rhythm in our own bodies.
In order to make this treasure available for feminine practice in English, a Pre-orders/Crowdfunding Campaign is on HERE.
Only digital rewards are possible until we reach a minimum threshold for printing a full colour, high quality hard cover art publication. Get a wonderful gift for yourself and sisters on the path! Join the campaign to contribute to birthing this gift for an international audience!
Luna Rossa
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Luna Rossa was published in Romanian in 2022 as a feminine workbook and self dated moon & menstrual cycles agenda one can start to use anytime for 13 cycles.
It is used widely in women’s circles as a resource for femine practice & menstrual cycle awareness.
To share this cultural treasure with a wider audience we also opened the Luna Rosa Dialogues online – highlighting feminine health, wisdom and power themes.
Register for free below to access ALL DIALOGUES
A full week of reflections & embodied practices on femine health and wisdom.
Luna Rossa sisters and cultural ambassadors wanted:o)

Free Registration to access the Luna Rossa dialogues
for inspired resources on feminine health & wisdom!

A women’s collective from around the world & from the epicenter of the greatest old civilization of the Goddess (now Romania & Ukraine territories) have joined forces to create a masterpiece of feminine power and menstrual cycle awareness:
Luna Rossa: Sacred Blood, Cycle Wisdom – a 4 in 1 Cycles Art Journal
for embodied feminine wisdom to make peace with your nature. The pre-order campaign is open for digital rewards until we meet the minimum threshold for printing.
Luna Rossa Online Event in September 2023 opened up valuable dialogues on themes connected to feminine health, wisdom and power.
Register for free below to get campaign updates and access the online dialogues + live practice sessions.
See below list of all contributors and international supporters.
Luna Rossa
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Extra Session celebrating the threshold of the Equinox:
Storytelling and singing session with Ina Curic, Luna Rossa Coordinator and Event Host , and a few other sister guests. Open Mic event too. Bring yourself and a story from your culture about wise women, brave mothers, daring girls.
September 23rd is the Spring/Fall Equinox depending whether you are the South/North hemysphere.
A ceremonial event to celebrate thresholds, between life and death, light and darkness.

Read on about the Luna Rossa publication & online event
Luna Rossa: Moon & Menstrual Cycles Agenda & Art Journal
The inspiration that Luna Rossa as a publication taps into in terms of art is the Cucuteni Tripolye culture, the oldest documented great civilization of the Goddess.
This culture, based in today’s Romania and Ukraine territories, is a proof great civilizations can exist without weapons and can thrive through art and partnership at all levels (between men and women, within social groups, with nature).
The dialogue week stays open to continue to Imagine Creatively together what else is possible in our co-creation of a New Earth, emobodying more feminine wisdom and life-protecting values.
Please join to contribute your own perspective, from your own country and context. There is no global without many flavours of local contexts that can inspire each other.

Guests from the international collaborators and supporters of Luna Rossa
Intention for the online event
The intention is to take down the dialogue from the level of international expertise to the middle of
our many women’s circles. Please join and bring your perspectives. We have a private community sharing space where we’re inviting international sisters. Lets hear from each other about the many flavours of local contexts.
Who’s coming to the dialogue week:
Jane Bennett is a menstrual educator and the author of numerous books and resources in
this field. A Blessing Not a Curse and Girltopia: A World of Real Conversations for Real Girls, and the co-author of About Bloody Time: The Menstrual Revolution We Have to Have, The Pill: Are You Sure It’s For You?, The Rite Journey Program and Guidebooks and Woman Wise Conversation Cards.
DeAnna L’am is founder Red Moon – School of Empowerment for Women & Girls’ in 1994,
and of Red Tents in Every Neighbourhood. A pioneer in this field, having held circles and red tents in many countries.
Laura Maria Yara will be sharing for the first time in English about the teaching of sacred menstruation and planting the Moon / offering our blood to the Earth the Andean Grandmothers, Tribo da Lua, Colombia. She is an awakened woman in the service of the Divine Mother and the re-anchoring of the sacred feminine in the female body. A mother, a storyteller, a traveler in the unseen worlds, a midwife of
transformation and an oracle of the Womb. Trained in Womb Aw kening and Biomancy with Seren and Azra Bertrand, in Aura Reading and Memoria Ancestral da Tribo da Lua in Brazil, connected with shamanic
practices and the sacred medicine of the Queen of the Forest, Laura has been working as a Holistic Therapist for over 12 years, through reading auras, healing the inner child, awakening the womb and
conscious menstruation.
Andra Vișan has been working for 6 years with the codes of the Dreamspell Calendar, an organic calendar
aligned to the lunar and galactic cycles, based on the wisdom of the Mayan Calendar. She helps people
expand their perception of time, returning to the cycles of nature and understanding themselves
better through the lens of the twenty archetypes of the Mayan calendar.
Aarya Sufiana Arcana will be guiding us to meet Kali. Aarya is originally from Bombay and has
lived in Los Angeles and San Francisco as well. She leads retreats and workshops in India and internationally for Feminine Spirituality focusing on Women’s Empowerment, Feminine Embodiment, and Creative Arts Healing. She holds a Masters degree in Philosophy, has studied Expressive arts therapy in San Francisco, holds a Post-grad Certificate in Women’s studies and is a trained Yoga instructor
specializing in Pranayama, Meditation, stress management, trauma healing and chanting, also trained in Reiki and Pranic healing. Her path, she says is the path of Unconditional Love and of REVIVING and
being of service to the DIVINE FEMININE thereby restoring the balance between Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies.
Shiloh Sophia has nurtured for more than two decades an Intentional Creativity cultural framework rooted in the teachings of a matriarchal art lineage of storytelling and imagery. With her husband Jonathan McCloud they have stewarded Intentional Creativity is an inter-disciplinary practice weaving creative arts, healing arts somatic sciences, transpersonal psychology and archeomythology. Her MUSEA community is a global art movement dedicated to self-expression as a method for consciousness and compassion through the arts.
Liana Buzea, Holistic Intimacy Coach, has been sharing her embodied erotic knowledge and wisdom with women for 8 years. Practices are the main focus and forte of her body of work. She is offering a recorded Jade Belt Practice.
Jane Hardwicke Collings, Agent of the Goddess, a retired home birth midwife in Australia and a fabulous
Crone sharing amazing gifts in her School of Shamanic Womancraft. She travels to give workshops on the wisdom of the cycles and the spiritual practice of menstruation; preparation for menstruation for mothers and daughters; and the sacred and shamanic dimensions of pregnancy, birth, mothering and menopause; and how to reclaim and heal our rites of passage. She helps women remember the importance of being connected to their body and their menstrual cycle, to banish menstrual shame and co-create a positive menstrual culture, and to reclaim menopause from medicine and help women harness the transformation powers of menopause.

Read on about Luna Rossa Moon &Menstrual Cycles Agenda
Our pretext for calling on an international sisterhood
Luna Rossa publication now on pre-order crowdfunding campaign.

Luna Rossa: A 4 in 1 Cycles Art Journal for practicing menstrual cycle awareness to make peace with your nature.
This English edition is open to international collaborators and supporters to contribute as many mothers and midwives to an English edition. (see list of all project supporters below).
Many supporters & sisters invited to share the message with their communities to facilitate Luna Rossa reaching more women’s circles and communities.
Will you be one?

Luna Rossa is a self dated moon agenda & cycles journal for honouring and mapping nature’s rhythms embodied in the menstrual cycle.
An instrument to practice self awareness, self love and connection to the rhythms of nature and the larger web of life. It is an offering to practice peace from deep within the bodies and with our own nature.
Luna Rossa was originally published in Romanian in 2022. A Seeds of Peace project share with the world.
Join the pre-orders crowdfunding campaign for the English edition opened in September 2023.
Luna Rossa is peace a manifesto challenging the predominant war thinking in the world while offering a resource for womben to practice connection to their own true cyclical nature and the value of peace to be brought without from within.
As art journal and moon agenda it brings the lunar calendar center stage and your own cycle as embodied monthly calendar. One can start anytime and have a self dated cycles agenda to use for 13 monthly cycles.
This is a Seeds of Peace project to share with the world.
Join in to make it possible! Every pre-order counts!

Ina Curic, project coordinator inviting you to support this pre-order campaign that will remain ongoing
Timeline: Luna Rossa Campaign is active now for digital rewards only – until we meet the threshold to consider a high-quality hardcover print
We are pausing the campaign for the actual printed product until we tap, as a collective, into enough outreach so that a minimum 500 copies printable goal is met.
Because Luna Rossa is too good to be kept a secret – We continue with digital rewards and with our reaching out to spread the word.
We count on you, as part of the community aligned with this offering, to share in spreading the message about it! Thank you!
TIMELINE FOR digital rewards
* immediate for handouts on ancentral lineage & Goddess Labyrinth
*translation, adaptation, editing of a Special Selection from Luna Rossa for the digital edition – October and November 2023
Timeline for sending the digital selection from Luna Rossa to backers – By end of December 2023.
* self dated moon agenda
* feminine practice notebook
* Square format 25/25 cm to accommodate monthly moon dials and mandalas for drawing. 240 pages in total.
* 50 + pages of information and space for reflection on different themes: feminine health, cyclical nutrition needs, healing plants, ancestry work, sisterhood, partnership & awareness about the influence of Moon phases.
* Original designs and art inspired by the partnership oriented old civilization of the Goddess, the Cucuteni Trypolie cultural complex, Eastern Europe (5000 to 3500 BC)
* Space to draw on top of 13 mandala like designs and vessels reproduced from original designs from the ceramic art of the Cucuteni-Trypolie culture
* Themes for reflection on life in a cyclical body. The compass that guides you is within you. Feel free to skip pages and questions, come back later and add your own questions and reflections.
* Monthly feminine practices for integration into a healthy life in a woman’s body – physical, emotional, spiritual. You have inspiration and breathing space to harmonize emotion with reason in the body. Repeat the proposed practices and exercises for at least 7-21 days in a row.
* Cyclic journal to track your cycle and experiences and to get to know yourself better, observe and note your cyclical patterns over 13 cycles. You can start in any month of the year. Consistency is very important! After at least 3-6 months you will notice your patterns and be able to anticipate challenges and take better care of yourself.

International supporters that support & recommend the project:
From Australia
Shiloh Sophia Musea – Muse @ Center for Intentional Creativity
Jessica Strubin – Homan – Moon Magic Mamas
DeAnna L’am – Red Tents in every Neighbourhood
Jumana Sohia – Her Mystery School
Kenlyn Kolleen – Evolving Sisters Network
Janet Raftis – Creatrix, Priestess, Witch
Contributors from Romania from various fields of expertise for the contents:
Bianca Cîmpeanu – Access Consciousness questions from a Access Bars Facilitator
Project coordinator: Ina Curic is the heart midwife behind Luna Rossa. A gender & peacebuilding specialist that worked internationally since 2004, with an action research Phd in motherhood and a creative commitment to constructive peace from kindergarten to international politics. She authored six children’s books on integral education themes with three international book awards.
She coordinated four editions of Moon agendas in Romanian since 2019 and is author of Red Thread, an art publication and journal introducing menstrual cycle awareness after menarche.

How to best enjoy Luna Rossa:
Adopt a sister! Choose a travelling buddy to journey through 2024 with Luna Rossa practicing menstrual cycle awareness and grounded feminine power. We are not only stronger together, we also open our hearts easier to access gentleness, empathy, compassion and share them with the world.
Tell a sister about it! What about a women’s circle you are part of? Throw a Red Party to invite more sisters over!
We appreciate your help to build momentum in this campaign:
Please share the word with sisters, friends, colleagues, red tent initiatives, women’s circles.
The pre-order campaign is online here. Every copy reserved by you, resonating with this, counts!
If you are in because this speaks the language of your heart, please be an early supporter!
Thank you!
Luna Rossa
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